This module allows you to integrate additional web booking widget with another of your websites and manage it using single EasyTaxiOffice software.
Each profile has a separate Web Booking integration that uses individual profile information.
Individual profile information like branding (logo, name, email, phone number, etc), some settings and pricing can be set for additional web booking profile. All profiles can be controlled simultaneously from one panel to manage bookings and dispatch jobs to drivers.
Each booking in the admin panel contains information about its source ( “Source”), indicates the profile and its Web Booking by which booking was made.
Thanks to this module, you can easily separate and manage your company’s services according to the best business model for you.
With Web Booking set to individual branding, settings and pricing, it can expand the reach of your business, and thus help increase the company’s financial results.
This module is not part of the integral system and requires individual setup, setup fee applies.