Add Fixed Prices between location A and B which will automatically take priority over distance and time price calculation for trips between the set locations.
How to add Fixed Routes?
1. Go to Dispatch Panel -> Settings -> Pricing -> Fixed Prices.
2. Click +Add New.
3. Choose trip type: both ways, one way.
4. Add postcodes / zones or use the provided airport locations.
5. Enter a Base Price for this Fixed Route.
6. Choose action: should price override the Base Price price setting, should it be added onto the Base Price or should it multiply the Base Price by the number given.
7. Set a price for specific vehicle types.
8. Set if the fixed route price should be limited only to a specific time period.
9. Check Active.
10. Click Add.
How to import Fixed Routes ?
Learn how to upload Fixed Prices in Excel format.
Download spreadsheet
1. Go to Settings -> Pricing -> Fixed Prices -> and then add "/import" at the end of URL address you see in your browser.
Example: https://(...)
2. Download the right spreadsheet. If you are using different type of vehicles you should use Download Standard Template with Vehicles.
Prepare spreadsheet
1. For columns FROM and TO use only out-codes e.g. EC2Yor full postcodes e.g EC2Y 8DS. Locations names e.g. Heathrow or Bristol will not be accepted.
2. If Action is set to “Override”, leave Price column set to 0. Price column value should only be used when Action is set to “Add” or “Multiply”.
3. Vehicle columns – names has to be exactly how these are named in the software otherwise after upload the price for those with different vehicle type name will be set to 0. Capital letters matter.
4. Prices in Vehicle columns can not contain currency symbol.
5. Save file as .csv. When saving ensure Field Delimiter (see image) is set to Comma.
Upload spreadsheet
1. Go to Settings -> Pricing -> Fixed Prices -> add "/import" at the end of the URL.
2. Upload file using option Upload file -> Choose file.
3. Once you choose a file, additional setting will appear, do not change anything unless you understand what it means.
– Import type: Standard
– Delimiter: Comma ” ; “
– Status: Active
– Direction: Both Ways is a standard but you can change it to From->To if needed.
– Vehicles option leave it as it is unless you have been advice to change it
– Limit to specific date and time: You can set it to specific period if needed
3. When all is set, click Import.
Imported result
After upload, Imported value should be equivalent to number of rows (Fixed Prices) you have uploaded.
If system display Skipped: value more than 0, it means some rows have been set up incorrectly. To correct it, the easiest way would be to use option Delete all DATA, correct the file and upload it again.
- Delete all DATA – deletes all existing Fixed Pricing. Very useful if you have lots of unneeded pricing and you want to remove it. Use with care as deleted data can not be recovered.
How to test?
- Login to the software
- Navigate to Settings -> Price -> Fixed Pricing
- Find the Fixed Price you want to test (use Search option if you have many entries)
- Record on paper Fixed Price details you are testing: pickup location, dropoff location, date, time, price for specific type of vehicle
- In Web Booking form, use recorded details and see if the price is the same
Note: You can always find web booking by typing your software url and adding to it /booking/widget