This service is provided by a third party company. We don’t take any responsibility for any changes in how this service operates or works. Any issue with this service you need to discuss directly to PayPal team.
How to set up PayPal payment method?
To make this integration work, first you need to register new PayPal account or use an existing one.
Once you have an account you need to enter in configuration tab your PayPal business email address.
The one you use to login to your PayPal account.
When this is done please make sure that the payment method is activated and all settings are saved.
That’s all.
Note: PayPal has two tabs, as customer you can switch in between Login or Pay with Credit Card tab.
If you used PayPal before, your browser remembers it and open Login tab.
If you have not used it, browser will open Credit Card tab.
In both cases you can switch in between.
Any questions for PayPal, please contact company directly
PayPal Business Email - This is the email address that identifies your PayPal account.
Currency code - This is the currency in which the transaction will be process. The code consists of 3 letters (e.g. GBP - British Pound, PLN - Polish Zloty etc.). Here is complete currency code list
Q: This error message comes up when customer goes to the checkout page "Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later." What to do?
A: Please make sure the integration with PayPal is done correctly as per the guide above. In case you still see this error message read this online article or contact PayPal support team and ask them to check why your account is not able to accept standard payment requests.