Please note this module is currently in BETA version and it might require further adjustments. Your feedback is very welcome.
How to create a new role?
1) Go to Settings -> Roles and click the Add New button.
2) From Parent Role dropdown menu select Admin and enter the name of your new role e.g. Telephonist.
3) In Permissions section choose a group of permissions you want to grant to the user who will be assigned to this role. To activate/deactivate specific permissions, click a button with the name of the permission. If the button is highlighted in green colour the permission is active, when in red it is inactive.
4) Save changes.
How to assign a role to the user?
1) Go to Users -> Admins and click the Add New button.
2) Enter all required details and from the Role dropdown menu select the role you have created before.
3) Save changes.
4) Now the user should only have access to certain options of the admin panel.