Using our taxi booking software makes the booking process easier, faster and more efficient
1. The Booking comes in
Customers can book your services in a variety of ways. They can use the basic option, which is the Web Booking Widget on your company’s website or the Passenger App sitting in their mobile phones.
In both cases, it can take under 1 minute to complete the booking.
2. Welcome to the Dispatch Panel
Right after a customer completes the booking, it appears in your company’s Dispatch Panel. This is the place where bookings are managed by Admins and jobs assigned to drivers.
Part of the Dispatch Panel is the The Operational Map tab which shows which drivers are nearby to the new job and their availability status.
(Also in the Dispatch Panel, the Booking Form allows Admins to add bookings coming from traditional sources like emails, phone calls or contact forms).
3. Drivers already know
As soon as the Admin dispatches the booking, the chosen driver is automatically notified and sent all the job details on the Driver App.
After clicking on the notification a choice appears for the drivers: they can accept or reject the assigned job.
4. On the way
After accepting the job and starting on the way to the pickup point, drivers change their status to "en route" in the Driver App. An automatic notification containing information about the driver and the car coming is then sent to the Passenger (via their mobile Passenger App, SMS or email)
The same thing happens when the driver reaches the pickup point - the Passenger is notified.
The changes in status are visible in the Dispatch panel for the Admin. This makes tracking job progress in real-time a lot easier.
5. Finish line
When the job is completed, the tracking history is available to the Admin and the Passengesr receive a notification which thanks them for choosing your services and asking for their feedback. The driver can once again be visible on The Operational Map as available so that a new job can again be dispatched to him.
Find out more about:
⯈ Web Booking Widget
⯈ Passenger App
⯈ Driver App
⯈ Dispatch Panel