Google Analytics allows you to track how customers interact with your business, e.g. number of visitors, page views, time spent, etc. To learn how to integrate it, follow the steps below.


1. Login to your Google Analytics account.


2. Click the settings icon in the bottom left corner and then in property column click "Create a property" button.


3. On the next page fill in the form and choose "Web" in the last step. 


4. Next click the settings icon in the bottom left corner and then in property column you have created in previous step click "Data Streams" button, select the stream and copy the "MEASUREMENT ID".


5. Now login to your EasyTaxiOffice admin panel and navigate to Settings -> Google -> Analytics tab and in the field "Tracking ID" enter the tracking code displayed in previous step and save settings.

The system will records the following events:
Booking location - The customer is viewing the first step of the booking widget.
Booking vehicles - The customer is viewing the second step of the booking widget.
Booking details - The customer is viewing the third step of the booking widget.
Booking payment - The customer has made a booking and is now viewing the payment page.
Booking completed - The customer has made the payment and sees the thank you page.
Customer register - Customer has registered.
Customer activation - Account activated by the customer.
Customer login - Customer login to the account.
Customer logout - Logout of the customer from the account.


6. That's all. For more information, please check this Google online guide.